Friday, October 21, 2011

Avoiding Environmental Toxins

Wednesday, October 26

7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens Library

Join us for a basic explanation of the mystery ingredients and additives often found in foods, body care and household products. Listeners will learn about the many benefits to avoiding and understanding toxins as well as how to create their own very easy, fun and affordable, safe alternatives for their families to use. Presentations by Laura Post, prenatal yoga and HypnoBirthing instructor, and Sarah Conley, assistant director of The Birth Circle.

Pregnancy Loss Support Group

Wednesday, November 2

from 7:00 to 8:00pm
O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for anyone affected by childbearing loss, be it miscarriage, stillbirth, or even mourning a pregnancy after your baby is born. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP by Tuesday, November 1st, to or 740-592-4408.

Play Group

Thursday, November 3

from 3:00 to 5:00pm
in the kids' section of the Athens Library

Join us for two hours of play, socializing and support. All ages are welcome!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Infertility Support Group

Wednesday, October 5th

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for people who are struggling with infertility and other fertility issues, including people who already have children but are having trouble getting pregnant again. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP to or 740-591-9409.

Ceremony in Honor of Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Sunday, October 16


at the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Memorial Bench at Sells Park, Athens

This ceremony will include readings and a time of sharing. It is open to the public and children are welcome. If parents are unable to attend the ceremony but would like their child's name or due date spoken, or a particular prayer or poem read, they can contact The Birth Circle at 740-591-9409 or

Avoiding Environmental Toxins

Wednesday, October 26

7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens Library

Join us for a basic explanation of the mystery ingredients and additives often found in foods, body care and household products. Listeners will learn about the many benefits to avoiding and understanding toxins as well as how to create their own very easy, fun and affordable, safe alternatives for their families to use.

Infertility Support Group

Wednesday, October 5th

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for people who are struggling with infertility and other fertility issues, including people who already have children but are having trouble getting pregnant again. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP to or 740-591-9409.

Play Group

Thursday, October 6

from 3:00 to 5:00pm
in the kids' section of the Athens Library

Join us for two hours of play, socializing and support. All ages are welcome!

Avoiding Environmental Toxins

Wednesday, October 26

7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens Library

Join us for a basic explanation of the mystery ingredients and additives often found in foods, body care and household products. Listeners will learn about the many benefits to avoiding and understanding toxins as well as how to create their own very easy, fun and affordable, safe alternatives for their families to use.