Wednesday, July 25
7:00 to 8:30pm
at the Athens Library
Local childbirth educators will talk about pain management techniques such as breathing, positions, visualizations, touch, and more. Jackie Jeffers, unit manager of O'Bleness Hospital's birth center, will discuss pain management options there. Join us to share your experiences and ask questions!
Stay home with your baby with YOR Health! Come and learn how you can start a successful, part time, home business AND provide your family with perfect nutrition! Life changing products and an easy to learn system that provides you with residual income so you can not only be a stay at home Mom, but also provide for your family! Independent Representatives in your area are: Jackie Jeffers RN (740)541-3341 and Diamond Leader Melanie McPeak (740)503-7353. Come talk to us at the July 25th meeting.