Monday, October 20, 2008

Farewell Party for Brandi Holloway

This Sunday, October 26, if our farewell party for Brandi Holloway, the Birth Circle's co-founder and long-time director who left the Birth Circle this fall. The party will be held from 
5-7 p.m. at the Athens Community Center, in a room that opens onto the playground.

Please bring a potluck dish to share (and label to go with it, if possible) and a place setting for your family. Beverages will be provided. After the potluck, we will have a sharing circle about what Brandi and the Birth Circle have meant to you. We also want to give Brandi a scrapbook with pages designed by Birth Circle families, so please either design a 12" by 12" page in advance, or bring your photos, birth stories, etc. to the party and decorate your page with supplies we provide. 

We hope you will join  us in honoring Brandi and celebrating the Athens Birth Circle.

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