Thursday, January 26, 2012

Birth Circle Impact Survey

We really need your help.

Below is a link to a new survey that is intended to measure The Birth Circle's impact. It has 10 quick questions and is completely anonymous, and results will be used to help secure vital grant funding. We need at least 200 responses to get an accurate measure of our impact, and we need them as soon as possible, so please take a few minutes to help. We cannot emphasize enough how important this is to us, to our work, and to birthing families in our area. Thank you in advance for your time and input.

Please copy and paste into your browser:

Infertility Support Group

Wednesday, February 1

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for people who are struggling with infertility and other fertility issues, including people who already have children but are having trouble getting pregnant again. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 31 to or 740-591-9409.

Primitive Birth: Survival of the Species in Our Modern World

Wednesday, February 29

from 7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens Library

We will explore the hormonal physiology of birth, the hard wiring of the female brain, and the importance of understanding its implications for the future of the human species, especially in the modern world. Sit back and enjoy this spirited explanation of how our "mommy brain" works! Presented by Dr. Sarita Bennett, DO, Midwife, and Ruth Ann Colby Martin, CPM, LM, of the Sacred Mountain Midwifery School.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Birth Circle Impact Survey

We really need your help.

Below is a link to a new survey that is intended to measure The Birth Circle's impact. It has 10 quick questions and is completely anonymous, and results will be used to help secure vital grant funding. We need at least 200 responses to get an accurate measure of our impact, and we need them as soon as possible, so please take a few minutes to help. We cannot emphasize enough how important this is to us, to our work, and to birthing families in our area. Thank you in advance for your time and input.

Please copy and paste into your browser:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bed Sharing and Co-Sleeping: Truth vs. Fiction, Safety and Benefits

Wednesday, January 25

from 7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens library

In this meeting we will address recent co-sleeping concerns, and will go over how to co-sleep and/or bed-share safely. Parents will share their experiences, and Dr. Penny Shelton will share a physician's perspective on why sleeping close to your baby benefits the whole family. Benefits include: Babies sleep and stay asleep better, breastfeeding is easier, parents and infants become more connected, and more. Bring your questions, concerns and stories!

*Thanks to this month's sponsor,Holistic Birth! Laura Post believes that birth is normal, safe and can even be enjoyable. Combining her background of HypnoBirthing, Prenatal and Postnatal yoga, Psychology and even Mathematics, she's created Holistic Birth educational classes, designed for parents birthing at any location. Holistic Birth provides concise, well researched information about pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time. Topics include anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth, proper nutrition, standard model of care, midwifery model of care, birth plans, tools for managing sensations and obstacles during birth and more. Classes are intended to build confident and truly prepared mamas and birth companions, two very essential ingredients for a healthy birth. Questions? Call 740-594-YOGA or

Infertility Support Group

Wednesday, February 1

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for people who are struggling with infertility and other fertility issues, including people who already have children but are having trouble getting pregnant again. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 31 to or 740-591-9409.

Play Group

Thursday, March 1

from 3:00 to 5:00pm

in the kids' section of the Athens Library

Join us for two hours of play, socializing and support. All ages are welcome!

Infertility Support Group

Wednesday, February 1

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for people who are struggling with infertility and other fertility issues, including people who already have children but are having trouble getting pregnant again. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 31 to or 740-591-9409.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pregnancy Loss Support Group

Wednesday, January 4

from 7:00 to 8:00pm

O'Bleness Hospital, lower level room 8

This support group is for anyone affected by childbearing loss, be it miscarriage, stillbirth, or even mourning a pregnancy after your baby is born. These free groups are offered as a time of sharing and support, and are facilitated by a counseling professional. You can choose to share your story or just sit and listen. Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 3rd, to or 740-591-9409.

Play Group

Thursday, January 5

from 3:00 to 5:00pm

in the kids' section of the Athens Library

Join us for two hours of play, socializing and support. All ages are welcome!

Bed Sharing and Co-Sleeping: Truth vs. Fiction, Safety and Benefits

Wednesday, January 25

from 7:00 to 8:30pm

at the Athens library

In this meeting we will address recent co-sleeping concerns, and will go over how to co-sleep and/or bed-share safely. Parents will share their experiences, and Dr. Penny Shelton will share a physician's perspective on why sleeping close to your baby benefits the whole family. Benefits include: Babies sleep and stay asleep better, breastfeeding is easier, parents and infants become more connected, and more. Bring your questions, concerns and stories!

*Thanks to this month's sponsor, Holistic Birth! Laura Post believes that birth is normal, safe and can even be enjoyable. Combining her background of HypnoBirthing, Prenatal and Postnatal yoga, Psychology and even Mathematics, she's created Holistic Birth educational classes, designed for parents birthing at any location. Holistic Birth provides concise, well researched information about pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time. Topics include anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth, proper nutrition, standard model of care, midwifery model of care, birth plans, tools for managing sensations and obstacles during birth and more. Classes are intended to build confident and truly prepared mamas and birth companions, two very essential ingredients for a healthy birth. Questions? Call 740-594-YOGA or email