Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Birth Circle Awarded Grant from The Foundation for the Advancement of Midwifery

Thanks to a grant from The Foundation for the Advancement on Midwifery, The Birth Circle is launching “Raising Awareness of Midwifery in Appalachian Ohio,” a two-part project to educate Birth Circle participants and the wider public in our region of Ohio about the midwifery model of care. We will ensure that every branch of eight county libraries has access to two copies of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin, the children’s book Baby on the Way by Sears Children’s Library, and the documentary “The Business of Being Born.” We will also give each new Birth Circle participant a copy of Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth and brochures that will encourage them to learn as much as they can about their choices and their rights, and inform them about the midwifery model of care. The project will begin in July 2010 and will unfold throughout a twelve month period. Thank you FAM!

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